Klimaförderstrategien im Blickpunkt

Mit unserer Veröffentlichung „Klimaförderstrategien im Blickpunkt“ stellen wir zehn verschiedene Ansätze der Klimaphilanthropie vor.

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Climate funding strategies

Why effective climate funding strategies matter

Most funders agree that climate change is an urgent problem. But many are new to the topic and do not know where to start. Moreover, few foundation leaders are convinced that their strategies to address climate change are „very effective“ (Orensten et al. 2022, p.22). This gap between the awareness of the climate crisis and the self-attested ineffectiveness of funding strategies calls for new approaches. Funders need to try out strategies new to them or to the region and specific climate issue that they are working on.

This website offers a practical entry point by outlining ten climate funding strategies, structured into three spheres of action: influencing, empowering, and innovating. These spheres highlight distinct ways funders can contribute—whether by shaping policies and narratives, building the capacity of communities and organisations, or supporting groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

At the heart of this website, you will find case studies that bring these strategies to life. Drawn from the experiences of 15 European and seven US funders, these real-life examples provide valuable insights into how these funding strategies are applied in practice. They offer inspiration to rethink your current funding approach and explore new partnerships, making the journey into climate philanthropy both accessible and actionable. Continue reading if you are looking for an easy entry into climate philanthropy, or if you want to better understand other climate funders. The following content aims to inspire you to rethink your current funding strategy and to consider new partnerships.


Capacity Building

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Direct Support

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Grassroots Support

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Case studies



Climate Breakthrough
Climate Justice Resilience Fund
KR Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
Succow Stiftung
Veolia Sitftung
Solberga Foundation
Guerrilla Foundation
Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso
Barr Foundation
Climate and Land Use Alliance


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Show all references

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