Legal notice
Information pursuant to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act):
Forum for Active Philanthropy –
inform, inspire, impact gGmbH
Caroline-von-Humboldt-Weg 8
10117 Berlin, Germany
T: +49 (0)30-120 878 420
E: info(at)
Represented by:
Dr. Felicitas von Peter
Registered Office and Court of Registration:
Berlin, District Court of Berlin-Charlottenburg, HRB 105261 B,
Tax Number: 27/613/06087
VAT ID: DE252416774
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Responsible for content pursuant to § 55 para. 2 RStV (German State Treaty on Media Services):
Dr. Felicitas von Peter
All information on this website is provided to the best of our knowledge but without guarantee of accuracy.
Concept, Design & Programming:
allcodesarebeautiful. Web agency for design & communication
Active Philanthropy uses think-cell to create presentations. think-cell is a presentation software for PowerPoint that facilitates the creation of charts (e.g., waterfall, Gantt, etc.), layouts (e.g., process flows, agendas), and automation processes (e.g., chart scanners, data rounding).
More information about think-cell can be found at
- Hero Banner: Bushes on Arid Desert, Wzm Pictures / Pexels
- Let’s get in Touch: Close-up Photo of Body of Water , Matt Hardy / Pexels
- Icons: UXWing and The Noun Project
- Most key-visuals and project header photos from Climate Visuals and Shutterstock
- All portraits from Active Philanthropy team by Christian Schneider